That's right, summer is on it's way and you'll be putting on a bathing suit before you know it!  Besides using ItWorks! wraps, we recommend incorporating sets of these 2 exercises into your routine.

* Donkey Kick Lift (above) 

1.  Start with hands directly beneath your shoulders, fingers spread wide and index finger pointing straight ahead. Knees are directly beneath your hips. Back in a neutral position. 

2.  Flex the active leg. Lift the leg keeping the knee bent. Lift slowly and lower slowly. Count at least 1 one thousand 2 one thousand for each lift. Control the leg on the way up AND on the way down. Do not just allow the leg to fall back to the ground. Focus on lifting from the glutes. 

Do sets of 10,12 or 15. For a more advanced exercise hold a dumbbell behind the bend in your knee and lift. 

* Fire Hydrant (above + below)

1.  Start in the position pictured above.   Foot is flexed. 

2.  Lift the leg to the side keeping the knee bent. 

3.  Lift slowly and control the leg as you lower back to starting position. 

Do sets of 10, 12, or 14. For a more advanced exercise hold a dumbbell behind the bend of your knee and lift.

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