Not eating all of the fruits and veggies that you should?  Feeling sluggish and off balance?  Want more energy to get through your day?  Help detoxify, alkalize and energize your body with every glass of ItWorks! Greens, now with an even better pH-balancing blend that includes an acidity-fighting combination of magnesium and potassium for even more alkalizing properties.   The added probiotic support helps you better maintain that healthy balance by keeping your digestive system regular and toxins flowing out.
With 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables and a blend of 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods, Greens provides naturally occurring, bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and enzymes to give your already well-balanced diet a nutritional boost. It’s maximum support for your best health, all in a new delicious berry flavor!