A few days ago I was encouraging a dear friend to make healthy eating choices. She, like many, questioned how that was "possible" during the holidays. I made 3 dozen cookies and 4 dozen muffins Saturday night and used NO refined sugars.  None.  Both recipes were gluten free, packed with good proteins, good fats, and full of nutrients.  How do you eat healthy? You simply CHOOSE TO DO SO! I am not saying that it is an easy switch but nothing of great value comes easily.

This date cookie recipe is dairy free and gluten free. 

24 pitted dates
12 T apple juice concentrate
3 T oil
2 1/4 cup oats
1 /2 cup of raisins, apricots, chopped dates
1/2 cup of chopped nuts
2 eggs
Cinnamon to taste
Pinch of nutmeg

Mix oil, oats and raisins (or dried fruit of your choice). In saucepan cook juice and dates on medium until dates are soft. Place the dates in food processor and mince. Mix minced date mixture and oat mixture. Add one egg at a time. Spoon onto baking sheet. Cook 350 for 20 minutes.